We’ve had another busy year at GB packed full of fun! The GB year started in September, and we quickly got into our Wednesday night programme – a varied programme of scripture lessons, physical activities/games and badgework.
This year the scripture lessons followed the GBNI course on ‘God is…’ and looked at the attributes of God. The girls all learned more about who God is and what it means to have a relationship with him. It was really encouraging to see the girls respond so well to this and to see them volunteering to pray.
The girls participated in a range of physical activities from traffic lights, singing games and shark, whale, tuna to team games, unihoc and dodgeball. We even played some touch rugby this year!
We also had a varied Badgework programme for each age group – learning about the GB badge, how to set a table, seasons, crafts, cooking and fashion. This year CAP delivered a programme about managing money. We also had pyjama parties and a Jo Jingles visit for our younger sections, which were highlights of the year!
In March the Senior and Brigader girls and some leaders went on GB camp – a weekend at the Scout Centre in Crawfordsburn. The girls got the opportunity to try out caving and climbing a very tall pole to come down a zip line. This was a great weekend, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and the girls spent time learning about two of the ‘I AM’ statements – ‘I am the light of the world’ and ‘I am the vine and you are the branches’.
We continue to run the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and have 6 girls working on the Gold level and 1 working on Silver.