Standing Order

The easiest way to contribute financially is to complete a Standing Order form which will automatically send your offering(s), on an ongoing basis, straight to the relevant Greystone Road bank account(s).

There are separate forms for Freewill Offering & United Appeal, Property Fund and Mission Support Fund. Once completed they should be posted to your Bank.

Online Banking

If you have access to Internet online banking (either on your computer or smartphone) you can make a payment from your account to the Greystone Road account. Set Greystone Road up as a payee in your online banking app and then you can transfer your offering with flexibility, weekly, monthly or as you decide.

Please remember to add your FWO Number for identification purposes to the reference. Using this method, you need to separate the transfers between FWO, Mission, Property and United Appeal by changing the reference alongside your FWO number i.e.

Account Details
Sort Code: 95-06-79

FWO & United Appeal
Account Number: 70145491
Notes: Please indicate area e.g. FWO etc

Mission Support/Romania & Moldova/Burma
Account Number: 90145513
Notes: Please indicate area e.g.Mission Support etc

Property Fund
Account Number: 90145505

Cheques should be made payable to: Greystone Road Presbyterian Church

Please contact the finance team for assistance via email at:

Thursday Club

Why not join us. Whether you are local, from any denomination, on your own or with friends - everyone is cordially welcomed to the Thursday Club. We are open the second Thursday in the month from 2.30pm-4.00pm

Each day starts with a cup of tea, a treat and a chat with those around you. Then there is a different talk or event to interest you and an epilogue to finish.

We are a self-financing group so donations towards costs can be made as you leave. Just look for Joan’s teapot.

Let others know - spread the word!  Thursday Club Teapot


Greystone Road Presbyterian Church
56 Greystone Road
BT41 1JZ

An MCC Site