Sunday @10.30am
Our Crèche Room is available during Morning Worship for babies and children up to 4 years old.
Please ask a member of our Welcome Team for more information when you arrive on Sunday morning.
Youth Fellowship
Secondary School
Sunday @7 – 8.30 PM
Church Hall
As part of Greystone Road P.C.’s Youth Ministry we exist to provide a place where young people can meet with Jesus and share fellowship.
Buzzy Bees
Buzzy Bees meet every Tuesday (term time) in Greystone Road Presbyterian Church Hall. We aim to bring baby and toddler aged children, along with their carers, into our church family.
The hall buzzes with an alive mix of all ages, peoples and outlooks. Play and chat together, enjoy snacks and round it all off with some nursery rhyme singing with your babies and pre-schoolers. All parents, grandparents, carers and young children are welcome to come along, share their experiences and join with the fun in our safe and caring environment.
Find out the latest on our Facebook Page here.
Christian Endeavour (CE)
Primary 1-7
Thursday @7.15 – 8.15 PM
Church Hall
CE helps children understand what it means to be a Christian and how to live for Jesus by learning and doing. The lively programme includes Bible stories, prayer, quizzes, praise and games. Children are encouraged and gradually trained to take part in and be responsible for their own weekly programme.
Primary 1-7
Sunday @10.30 AM
Runs during Morning Worship after the Children’s Address.
Children will learn about the Bible and engage with its teachings in a way that is accessible and fun.
Boys’ Brigade
Company & Senior Section Monday 8 – 9.30 pm (Year 8 – Year 14)
Junior Section Monday 6.45 – 8pm (P5-P7)
Anchor Boys Friday 6.45 – 8 pm (P1-P4)
3rd Antrim BB will care for and challenge boys for life, through a programme of informal education, underpinned by the Christian Faith. We offer a balanced programme of craft, badge work, physical activities, competition and Bible study.
Our term begins in early September and continues through to Spring.
Company and Senior sections are all about young people learning new skills, making their own decisions and achieving their personal goals. It is a safe place for boys to make new friends, have fun and get involved in a wide range of activities. From playing sports, helping others in the local community, trying out adventure activities or being creative through dance or art – there’s something for everyone.
The Boys’ Brigade is grounded in the Christian faith with weekly bible classes giving the boys an opportunity to explore and discuss faith and learn more about God. Each year young people can gain awards based on their participation in the programme. In addition, young people have the opportunity to participate in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and gain the Presidents Badge before going on to the highest award in the Boys’ Bridge: The Queen’s Badge.
All boys are welcome.
If you have any questions, or would like to join our BB Company, please contact us via the Facebook page here
Visit Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland online for more information here
Girls’ Brigade
GB is great fun. It is a great place to meet life-long friends and encourage girls to be more confident, kind, helpful, caring, but most importantly to learn more about God’s love for each of them.
Girls’ Brigade is for all girls aged 3 – 17 years. We operate 5 sections based on age.
Tinies: 3 yr old – P1 – 6.30-7.45
Explorers: P2 – P4 – 6.30-7.45
Juniors: P5 – P7 – 7.15-8.30 September, March & April, 6.30-8.30 October to February
Seniors: Year 8 to Year 10 – 8.15–9.45 September, March & April, 7.45-9.45 October to February
Brigaders: Year 11 to Year 13 – 8.15–9.45 September, March and April, 7.45-9.45 October to February
Each week the girls do various activities and to recognise their achievements they are awarded a badge at the end of the year. The elements that make up this award are Bible stories/scripture, badgework (craft, singing, learning new skills like first aid or baking) and games/sports. Girls can also receive an award for their attendance at GB each week and an award for attending church/Sunday School/Youth Fellowship.
In our company we also run a weekend away (GB camp) for girls in the older sections and we run the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.
We are always very happy to welcome new members to our company.
Please contact us at for more information
Greystone Road Presbyterian Church
56 Greystone Road
BT41 1JZ
An MCC Site